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20 February 2023

One of the common questions among YouTubers is whether views or subscribers on YouTube are better. Since it has an absolutely relative answer, that is hard to say and so we will explain in this post. However, if your inner Hamlet is looking for an instant answer, bear in mind that there is no absolute answer. We can evaluate both scenarios.

Table of content

  • Scenario No.1 (The importance of views over subscribers)
  • Scenario No. 2 (The importance of subscribers over views)
  • YouTube Subscribers and YouTube Views 
  • How to Get Free YouTube Subscribers 
  • Prioritize Your Subscribers, Not Your Profit 
  • Learn YouTube SEO To Signal Its Algorithm
  • Do Not Forget To Have a Trailer
  • Reiterate A Content If Works
  • Engage with Your Audience 
  • Create Innovatively
  • Identify Your trials and tribulations
  • How To Get YouTube Views
  • Equip the fundamental components of your YouTube Channel
  • Direct all of your attention to your niche and prospective audience
  • Make use of custom thumbnails to increase your views
  • Make most of the playlists
  • Enhance the search for your video
  • Drive traffic to your videos by means of cards in addition to end screens
  • Innovatively create unique appealing videos 
  • Make use of metadata for getting advice following a popular video
  • Communicate with your audience
  • Team up and collaborate with other content creators and YouTubers
  • Schedule posting your videos at the most effective and efficient time
  • Enhance the watch time
  • Simply ask the viewers to subscribe to your channel
  • Transcribe or even add subtitles to your videos

Scenario No.1 (The importance of views over subscribers)

There are a number of people who consider that the views are a reliable component in order to measure if a video is popular and of proper high quality. They claim that the priority is definitely on views

 Scenario No. 2 (The importance of subscribers over views)

Contrarily, some people believe that more subscribers lead to more views. So the subscribers take the first rank in comparison to the number of subscribers.

Anyway, you are the only one who can conclude which came first, the chicken (Subscriber) or the egg (View)?

YouTube Subscribers and YouTube Views 

Those YouTube users who decide to subscribe to a YouTube channel to keep up on the latest videos are called YouTube Subscribers. In fact, they like and enjoy following, watching, sharing, and commenting on the uploaded videos. It significantly matters to gain loyal subscribers to build a powerful online community. As we have already mentioned, the more a YouTube channel’s subscribers are, the more likely it is to get views. 

On the flip side of the coin, YouTube views are the frequency that a video is watched. YouTube views are a crucial measure of the overall popularity of a video. It is noteworthy that the YouTube platform only counts humans viewing a video and has developed a system to spot them. 

How to Get Free YouTube Subscribers 

What is better than attracting free subscribers for your YouTube channel to make the most of the organic reach? It is a crucial element to boost your subscribers when your ultimate goal is monetizing. If a content creator wants to make a profit out of YouTube, it is necessary to have at least 1,000 subscribers.

Some YouTubers prefer to make use of the second-best social media platform across the globe in order to brand and video market. They are still required to gain enough subscribers. That is how a YouTube partner can signal the algorithm of YouTube. Therefore, you definitely need to have strategies for building a visible channel.

  • Prioritize Your Subscribers, Not Your Profit 
  • Learn YouTube SEO To Signal Its Algorithm
  • Do Not Forget To Have a Trailer
  • Reiterate A Content If Works
  • Engage with Your Audience 
  • Create Innovatively
  • Identify Your trials and tribulations

How To Get YouTube Views

If a person plays a YouTube video and watches it for at least 30 seconds, that would be a view. If a play seems to be an automated one, YouTube’s algorithm takes it for granted since it only regards when a human watches a video.

Globally, people watch over one billion hours of YouTube every single day. If you want to stand out from the crowd and snag some of those eyeballs, here’s how to do it.

  • Equip the fundamental components of your YouTube Channel
  • Direct all of your attention to your niche and prospective audience
  • Make use of custom thumbnails to increase your views
  • Make most of the playlists
  • Enhance the search for your video
  • Drive traffic to your videos by means of cards in addition to end screens
  • Innovatively create unique appealing videos 
  • Make use of metadata for getting advice following a popular video
  • Communicate with your audience
  • Team up and collaborate with other content creators and YouTubers
  • Schedule posting your videos at the most effective and efficient time
  • Enhance the watch time
  • Simply ask the viewers to subscribe to your channel
  • Transcribe or even add subtitles to your videos

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